Sunday, January 1, 2023

So another new year

New year, its a funny thing is new year. Every year we say we will vow to change things.

I've not enjoyed Christmas at all this year. I've worked everyday last week. I'm knackered. At least I'm off on Friday. Time to take the decorations down for another year again. I've hardly seen any of them, I've not seen my husband. 

At least some good things came out of this year. We bought our first house. I went on customer services and came off customer services. 
We went back to our beloved salou. ❤️. 

This year I'm going to lose 3 stones. I really am. I know I say it every year, but I've had enough now of feeling fat and uncomfortable in my body. 
So new beginnings. I WILL LOSE THAT 3 STONES!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year, New Start, New Beginnings

So as we start 2022, there's only one thing on my mind.
New Years resoltions. I make them every year and promise to stick to them but never really do. 

I mean does anyone really stick to their new year resolutions? 🤔 

This year WILL be different. I am determined this year to keep them. 💪 
So here we go:
1. Lose weight. I don't just mean a couple of pounds. I'm talking stones and pounds . Ideally 4stones. I want to look good in that bikini 👙  in June. 
2. Further my career in retail if I get that till supervisor role. If I don't then what will be will be.
3. Cut out all the nasties in my life and all those negative people that put you down all the time.
4. Write in a journal everyday. It doesn't have to be paragraphs or pages long. Just a few words that include mood, feelings, thoughts about the day and weight goals etc.
5. Increase my knowledge at work.
6. Motivate myself to do a quick work out and excersise more.

So that's my new years resolutions for 2022. Wish me luck.
40 something girl signing out.

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year New Me.

So after the worst year, this horrible corona virus pandemic has had on us all, Im making myself a promise to get fitter and lose all this weight I put on during the first lockdown. I will force myself to go for a brisk walk every morning whilst i am forced into staying at home once again due to this third lockdown. I need to do it right this time and stick to my slimming world. I will plan my meals each week and cut out all the junk food, eat more chicken and more fish. I will fill at least a half of my plate with speed food and limit my carbs to a handful. 

Every morning as soon as I get up, breakfast will be yoghurt with fruit or poached, scrambled eggs on two slices of wholemal bread, or weetabix. I will do some yoga and strengthening excersice as well as core strengthening. after this a will go for a brisk walk and come home and shower. Lunch will be salads made with cous cous, brown rice or quinoa. 

Evening meals will be either chicken or fish with half a plate of speed food.

I am aiming to lose a stone by the end of January. I am sick of this fat around my belly and not feeling comfortable wearing anything other than leggings and jeans. 

So here's to a New Year and a New Me in 2021.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

new year, new me.

Starting off on a good note this evening. 
I have decided I will make more time for myself. I will go to the gym more than once a week and will go for a walk every day either before I have to go to work, speaking of work  I was supposed to be working today and was all  ready to leave  only to receive a missed call from my manager informing me that as it was not as busy as anticipated and that I had a few days holiday left for the year, I could have today as holiday! Yay me. 
I Am also going to lose 3 stones by the time my birthday comes round in april. I will also lose another stone before our holiday in june, going back to our beloved salou. This year will be better. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sorting out the spice rack

I've been meaning to sort out my spices rack for a while now. 
It's so frustrating when you've got a whole bunch of spices and you wanna make something but you dont have a clue which spice is which, especially when some of them look exactly the same!
So I picked up these cute little jar labels from the kitchen dept at work....
Theres 20 in a pack and they're self adhesive. Best get cracking. 
Much better. At least I can see my spices easily now!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Work Life Balance

I'm ranting today.

Not often I have a rant.

Either way, I wish I was still in salou. Been home nearly two weeks now. I'm just so much happier when I'm over there. If I could afford to live out there, or even move over there then I'd go in a heartbeat.
I'm happier when I can feel the sun on my skin and not having to worry about when my next shift is. Working 4 hours a week just doesn't bare thinking about.

So another new year

New year, its a funny thing is new year. Every year we say we will vow to change things. I've not enjoyed Christmas at all this year. I&...